The story begins in March 2011, when Dana Armstrong, retail consultant to Hobbycraft, invited Elemental to work with her and Twenty Twenty, on their new store concept. Twenty Twenty created a new logo and store concept and Elemental were asked to look at the VM and display design and production. Our design team were very excited to have this opportunity, as big fans of the stores and their products.
The original brief was to give input into how Hobbycraft approach their visual merchandising and instore displays, as well as window displays. We designed several concepts for a multitude of areas around the store, including windows, departmental headers, fixture ends and hot spots. After much research of other stores, the team set to work and came up with lots of exciting ideas.
Hobbycraft’s Marketing Director, Lisa Looker and Dana were very much involved throughout the process. The design team had the opportunity to meet them and talk ideas through, to get a grasp of what the client really liked and wanted for their stores.
After weeks of hard work and hours spent artworking huge walls and headers, the results were unveiled last Thursday, at the opening of the new Hobbycraft store in Orpington, Kent. Our workshop produced display props, plinths and giant pink buttons (an icon for the new concept). Our team then installed the displays and helped lay out the product ranges. The store is fresh and exciting, an inviting place for customers to browse for their arts and crafts needs, as well as beginners to peruse the shelves for potential new projects and activities.
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